Improve your decision intelligence

SENSE is a science-backed method that trains you to master the art of decision decision-making. It empowers you to optimize decisions by thinking critically about the situations you face – distinguishing fact from opinion, appraising risk correctly, remaining  objective, and following your own decision rules.
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What is decision intelligence?

Decision intelligence is the ability to make informed, unbiased, and effective decisions, drawing on five key skills

Fact vs. Opinion

Distinguishing between what is fact and what is opinion – knowing what you know, and what you don’t


Remaining objective when making decisions

Appraising risk

Accurately appraising risk by weighing the potential benefits and downsides of a decision

Navigating emotions

Navigating the emotions that can skew your perspective in the decision-making process

Following decision rules

Creating and following decision rules that are true to you and appropriate to your context

How SENSE works

SENSE leads you on a learning journey that focuses on mastering four key decision-making drivers – having appropriate confidence, appraising risks accurately, creating and following decision rules, and remaining objective – while navigating emotions that can bias the decision-making process.

Brief, engaging lessons include real-life content, videos, reflection exercises, and quizzes that refine and strengthen your decision-making skills. Valid and reliable assessments are incorporated throughout to provide insight into your own personality, skills, and performance and provide a measurement of your progress along the way. For even more content and feedback, you can also participate in topical webinars and engage with fellow students in the SENSE community.

Here's what you get

Full access

to all our online learning material and resources


that fit into your busy schedule, with real-life, relevant examples


to test your progress

Valid and reliable assessments

to give you greater insight into your own skills and personality

Personal one-on-one coaching *

 with our experts

data analysis *

to measure the effectiveness of SENSE in your organization
* available for team and enterprise plans only
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Train with real-life scenarios

Our engaging lessons include real-life content that will help you relate and apply the SENSE method to your personal situations.

Guidance by our experts

Our experts will guide you on your journey to mastering decision-making skills. With videos explaining the key concepts behind Decision Intelligence and personal one-on-one coaching, they will provide support and help you understand your decision-making style.

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Insightful scientific assessments

World-class valid and reliable assessments are incorporated throughout the SENSE program to provide insight into your own skills and performance and measure your progress.

Contact us for more information

Request a free demo from one of the SENSE experts.