Master the art of

The SENSE program is proven to measurably improve leadership skills, organizational engagement, and individual performance.

learn decision-making skills

Did you know decision-making skills enhance performance? 

We all make thousands of decisions every day, from simple choices like what to eat to those with greater significance, like determining where to invest. Decision Intelligence is what gives us the ability to make informed and effective decisions, whether large or small. It’s a critically important skill in the work environment, where daily decisions can have a dramatic impact.

The SENSE program is proven to measurably improve leadership skills, organizational engagement, and individual performance.

Your emotions are influencing your decisions. 

SENSE is a structured decision-making training program that empowers you to optimize your Decision Intelligence.

teaches you to think critically about the situations you face, distinguishing fact from opinion, appraising risk correctly, following your own decision rules, and navigating your emotional landscape.
a journey to better decision-making
Magda du Preez - Founder of SENSE
The SENSE method will show you how you collect and process information and reveal how this process affects your feelings, and how your feelings, in turn, influence your judgment.
Magda du Preez, Phd
Founder & CEO of SENSE

Better decisions have endless benefits.

Boost sales

Boost sales by as much as 26%

Enhance your relationships

Enhance your relationships

Level up your leadership skills

Level up your leadership skills

improve problem-solving skills

Improve your problem-solving skills

Experience the difference SENSE can make

The SENSE method is more than an e-learning course. We'd love to explain how SENSE works and the benefits of our method for your organization. Contact us for more information or schedule your free one-on-one demo now.
Free demo of SENSE decision intelligence